Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons withdraws France's recognition

Thursday 15 March 2012

Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons withdraws France's recognition

Announced yesterday and updated today, the information that the Grand Lodge of Mark Masons in France has no more UK's recognition is confirmed on the official website of the GLMMM, led by Prince Michael of Kent.

"A number of French brethren have petitioned the Grand Master to form a new Mark Lodge, meeting here, consisting of French brethren. These Mark and R.A.M. Lodges were Consecrated here on Saturday 10th March 2012."

According to the same source, "The Mark Executive Committee have considered this very recent development and have concluded that (...) they should recommend to the Grand Master that recognition be withdrawn from G.L.M.M.M. France forthwith. The Grand Master has acceded to the recommendation and accordingly, recognition of G.L.M.M.M. France has been withdrawn."

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